
Showing posts from December, 2019
Let them live We all know that committing suicide is an offence. There are many people apprehended by the police who try to commit it. It can be rather said who had tried but failed, eventually caught by police. Many are of opinion it should not be treated as an offence; contrary to that, such people need to be treated by Doctors and not by Police. Few years back an old man kills himself in lake; after investigation it reveals that he was suffering from HIV. Just a few days back a renowned top executive jumps down from top of his residential complex in Mumbai; reason of such self killing is not known.   A trader has suffered a huge loss in option/call future market due to the slowdown in economy.   As he stands high on a building above Wall Street, a feeling that he experiences is not fear of falling,……it is a fear that he might jump. Sometimes suicide fascinates us. When a child commits it, it is a great failure on the part of parents who never in their life could forget